Gallery “427” celebrates its tenth anniversary with a large group exhibition / LR1 / / Latvijas Radio

Gallery “427” celebrates its tenth anniversary with a large group exhibition / LR1 / / Latvijas Radio
Gallery “427” celebrates its tenth anniversary with a large group exhibition / LR1 / / Latvijas Radio

“We are still interested in exhibiting art phenomena that are less known in Latvia,” affirms Kaspars Groševs, manager of the “427” gallery, celebrating the gallery’s decade. In honor of the anniversary, a large group exhibition was organized, and the gallery manager has a story about each work, how it got into the collection.

In honor of the tenth anniversary of the “427” gallery, a large group exhibition was organized, music plays, visitors look at the works with interest, from time to time someone asks something to the manager of the gallery, Kaspars Groševas. About the exhibition a little later, I will first remind you that the gallery opened its doors ten years ago in the suburbs of Moscow, where it had its first home, but for many years now the small gallery has been located on Stabu Street.

The gallery has a small white cube room with a fireplace, and behind it a small office space. Over the years, more than one now well-known artist has held his first solo exhibitions in the gallery.

In various ways, the works of art have turned into the “427” collection and, celebrating the ten-year anniversary of the gallery, Kaspars Groševs has decided to exhibit the works. A work of art is even uncovered on the floor of the gallery. In the anniversary exhibition, works are displayed on the walls, on the floor and even in the fireplace, which often appear in the collection in a procedural and rather spontaneous way.

Over the course of ten years, 70 exhibitions, concerts, performances, parties, readings and lectures have been held in the “427” gallery. “427” has also actively taken Latvian art to foreign countries and promises to do so in the future.

“427” gallery’s tenth anniversary exhibition will be on display until June 8.

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