Musician Ciara plans to get rid of the 30 extra kilograms she gained during pregnancy

Musician Ciara plans to get rid of the 30 extra kilograms she gained during pregnancy
Musician Ciara plans to get rid of the 30 extra kilograms she gained during pregnancy

The celebrity isn’t shy about posting photos of herself in skin-tight clothing, even in a bathing suit, giving fans a glimpse of her figure before getting back into shape, showing the real her.

The star of the stage weighs 81 kilograms and plans to lose 30 kilograms of excess weight to prove to supporters that she really has a problem with weight. The artist posted a public photo of her weight on the screen.


In the comments of the post, women offer words of support, saying that she will succeed, but there are ladies who wonder why they don’t look as great as Ciara when they weigh as much.

Ciara is back in work mode, working on new songs in the studio, preparing for a concert tour, actively attending the gym, choreography classes – entrusting the children to a nanny, often involving little Amor in the activities.

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The musician is mom to 9-year-old Zahir, 6-year-old Sienna, 3-year-old Vin and 4-month-old Amora. The father of the three youngest children is the singer’s husband Russell Wilson, the father of the eldest son is the rapper Future.

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Tags: Musician Ciara plans rid extra kilograms gained pregnancy


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