Live broadcast of the 30th anniversary of the Riga Cathedral Choir School in the Daile Theater / LR3 / / Latvijas Radio

Live broadcast of the 30th anniversary of the Riga Cathedral Choir School in the Daile Theater / LR3 / / Latvijas Radio
Live broadcast of the 30th anniversary of the Riga Cathedral Choir School in the Daile Theater / LR3 / / Latvijas Radio

On Tuesday, we will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Riga Dome Choir School live from the Daile Theater together with students and graduates, teachers and parents.

The first part of the concert, created as a performance about the history of the school, will be interludes and arrangements created by Jēkabs Jančevskis, while in the second part, a large choir of around 400 singers will gather on the stage, conjuring up a real feeling of Christmas.

The concert features: Riga Dome Boys’ Choir, Riga Dome Girls’ Choir “Tiara”, The mixed choir of the Riga Cathedral Choir School, gospel choir, 1-2 class choir and alumni choirgroups Latvian Voices, Framest, Dagambastudents, graduates and educators

The concert will be conducted Inta Pīrāgagiving talks about and about school in everyday life and on holidays during the concert break!


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