Steve Albini (1962-2024). “Reprezents” / NABA / / Latvijas Radio will visit

Steve Albini (1962-2024). “Reprezents” / NABA / / Latvijas Radio will visit
Steve Albini (1962-2024). “Reprezents” / NABA / / Latvijas Radio will visit

Today in the program “Heart of Music” we will do without the usual music news, reviews of new albums and singles of the week. This week, the entire music world was shocked by the shocking news – Steve Albini suddenly passed away at the age of 61.

Steve Albini was not only the leader of several bands, the most famous of which was Shellac, but also an excellent producer. It is believed that it was because of Albini that the phrase “sound engineer” turned into “music producer”. He has several hundred great albums to his credit, the sound of which he has shaped and helped them become as close to our hearts as they are. Nirvana – “In Utero”, PJ Harvey – “Rid of Me”, Pixies – “Surfer Rosa” are the loudest of them. Therefore, we will dedicate the first half of the program to this great man, who never liked being called “great” (even more so – he has repeatedly refused to take money for the work done, including for “In Utero”, which would have earned him at least a million) , the witty, unusual, “everything must be done quickly”, but at the same time punctual producer, who was always responsive to the press and also known as a good storyteller and friend to musicians. Let’s remember Albini with his performed and produced compositions, stories and interesting details. Maybe we will even play live poker, which Albini was a big fan of, once winning two prestigious tournaments.

On the other hand, in the second part of the program, we will offer more themes suitable for the weekend – concerts and entertainment! Two representatives of hip-hop culture will visit us – rapper Kazimirs (real name Dominiks Lapsa) and manager Matilde Mežinska. We will talk with them about the news of Kazimir’s music, as well as the beginning of the new project “Reprezents”, upcoming events and future plans.

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