Francis: tears of regret are a remedy for hardening the heart

Francis: tears of regret are a remedy for hardening the heart
Francis: tears of regret are a remedy for hardening the heart

On the morning of Maundy Thursday, March 28, the Pope led the celebration of the Eucharist in St. Peter’s Basilica, which was attended by 4 thousand people. the believer. During them, the 1,500 priests of the Diocese of Rome who were present renewed their priestly vows.

Jānis Evertovskis – Vatican

On this day, the Church commemorates the institution of the Eucharist and the priesthood. During Holy Mass, bishops all over the world bless catechumens, anointing the sick and holy chrism oils. The oil of catechumens is intended for those who are preparing for Baptism. By receiving this sacrament, we receive new life, which is the gift of Easter. The Anointing Oil of the Sick reveals that the mystery of Easter is victory over evil, which also manifests itself in sickness. On the other hand, the oil of holy chrism is intended for the conferment of the sacraments of confirmation and priesthood. Through priests, the Paschal mystery is present in all times and places.

The Pope thanked the priests for the heroic witness they give to the world and encouraged them to return to adoration and the prayer of the heart. He recalled two passages from the Gospel: in the Nazareth synagogue, everyone’s eyes were focused on Jesus (cf. Lk 4:20), but their hearts did not want to change when they heard the words of Jesus; Saint Peter, who denied his Teacher three times (cf. Lk 22, 57), remembered His words and wept a lot. The Holy Father pointed out that repentance completely changed the life of the apostle. Peter’s gaze met Jesus’ gaze and it “pierced his heart” causing tears of repentance. Peter, hurt and filled with remorse, allows Jesus to forgive him.

Speaking of the “broken heart” or heartache, Francis explained that it is not guilt that knocks us down, it is not scrupulosity that paralyzes, it is a blessed “sting” that burns the heart and heals it. When a person sees his evil and recognizes himself as a sinner, then his heart opens to the action of the Holy Spirit. Man takes off his mask and allows himself to be looked upon by God, thus receiving the gift of tears of repentance. These tears rank behind the water of Baptism in sanctity.

The Pope then stated that mourn yourself doesn’t mean feeling sorry for yourself. It means seriously repenting that we have hurt God by sinning; it means admitting that we have strayed from the path of holiness, that we have not believed in God’s love. It means looking within and repenting of your ingratitude and fickleness. It means painfully reflecting on your own duplicity and pretense. True repentance is the antidote to a stagnant and indifferent heart (cf. Mk 3:5; 10:5). It’s not a crushing guilt; it brings us back to the truth about ourselves, deeply transforms our heart, and brings us back inner peace and joy. Our inner rebirth begins when “our misery and God’s grace meet.” The spiritual master, Saint Isaac, said: “He who knows his sins… is greater than he who raises the dead by prayer. He who mourns himself for one hour is greater than he who by contemplation serves the whole world. He who is given to know himself is greater than he who is given to see angels”.

The Holy Father emphasized that real heartache is the path to compassion and mercy for one’s neighbor. The Lord is looking for those who weep for the sins of the Church and the world, to make them instruments of intercession. Priests must be in solidarity, merciful, weeping for those who have strayed from the faith. The Pope encouraged them to turn often to adoration of the Eucharist and humble prayer of the heart. They must never forget their weakness and sinfulness, so they are called to ask God for forgiveness and purification. Heartache is not so much the result of our efforts as it is a grace to ask from God.

In conclusion, the Bishop of Rome thanked the priests for their openness of heart and obedience, for their pain and tears, for revealing the merciful God to our modern brothers and sisters. The Pope wished that the Lord would make them happy, strengthen and reward them.

The article is in Latvian

Tags: Francis tears regret remedy hardening heart


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