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A hot air balloon fell in Lithuania. Several injured

At the beginning of the day, the weather was suitable for flying, but later it deteriorated rapidly.

at At 20:30 in the evening, a sudden gust of wind blew away the balloon, dragging it along the ground. According to the information available to the police, the vehicle was driven by a woman born in 1986. The balloon crashed into several buildings and hung in a tree, officials said.

According to “15min” sources, the balloon flew into the village, blocking the trees, and crashed into the roofs of two houses and an extension. Later, the strong wind dragged it along the street.

People fell out of the balloon on the way. Eventually, the balloon got stuck in the branches of a tree, with another person inside at the time.

“People fell out one by one on the way. When the balloon stopped after hitting a tree, there was still a girl left in it. I have never heard of a similar case in Lithuania. Fortunately, everyone is alive,” an eyewitness told the portal.

Several medics and firefighters immediately arrived at the scene. “Firefighters and rescuers helped medics provide first aid to the victims. When the balloon fell, it broke the electric wires, so the firefighters cordoned off the area,” the Fire and Rescue Service informs the portal.

Rescuers and medics provided medical assistance to the victims on the spot. The injured were taken to hospitals in Šilute and Klaipeda, there were also two people among the passengers of the hot air balloon.

According to preliminary data, seven people were injured.

The article is in Latvian

Tags: hot air balloon fell Lithuania injured